Thursday, November 6, 2014

Test S T R E S S !!!!!

It seems like we're always giving a test, taking a test, or grading a test!!!!  No wonder we're all going crazy and stressed out!!!!!
This week at school, we administered our fall semester benchmarks.  No, they were not our first round of tests by any means, BUT these are the BIG ones that everyone looks at.  Not only are the kids stressed out, but the teachers as well.
As a principal, I don't even have to address a staff member about their results before the teacher comes in with tears in their eyes and a big apology about their scores.  I always say, it's just something to give you concrete feedback about your students, use and go forward with it.  And just for fun, we'll do it again in the spring semester!!!
But seriously, there are a lot of de - stressers for students and staff alike!  For example, take a look at
Take a deep breath and try not to stress!  Good luck!