Friday, October 24, 2014

Lesson Objectives

In reading Chapter 3 of The Fundamental 5:  The Formula for Quality Instruction the subject of lesson objectives is addressed.  In walkthroughs of classrooms, I see a wide-variety of ways and uses of instructional objectives being utilized for student reflection.  I see a lot of "I can..." and a lot of straight technical verbatim from TEA.  I'm not sure how much is actually written for the teacher to reference or the students.  So, when I came across Chapter 3, I found my happy place.  In Chapter 3, objectives are written as "We will..." and in a statement form that is student friendly.  When beginning the lesson, the teacher actually references the statement and how it will be accomplished.  After the lesson, the students and teacher reflect on if they actually accomplished the objective or if reteaching or further addressing of objectives needs to occur.  It actually makes sense and is a useful tool in measuring success!  I hope that you find this a useful in leading your students to success!


  1. I went to the Fundamental Five conference, and I loved their ideas! Are you implementing any of the other five at this time? I really liked the "Frequent Small Group" talks...It goes along with our district rounds POP, and reinforces that students need to have the opportunity to verbalize their thoughts. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I agree with the we will statements. If a child can explain what they have been learning using a we will statement, that is a good indicator of what they are learning.

  3. Hollie, this chapter sounds great! JJE discussed this topic and all agree that posting objectives is the first step towards giving students a road map for the week's learning. Don't we all want to know where we are headed? Now we just need to be consistent with getting them posted. The next level would be the reflection piece at the end of the week--so important! Time seems to always be the issue at hand...
