Monday, January 5, 2015

2015 Classroom/Teaching Resolutions

What are your plans to jumpstart your students' learning for 2015?  While you were enjoying a restful two week vacation, so were your students' who most likely were not reading or practicing their math facts.  So, how do you plan to restore the rigor of learning that was ongoing and moving forward in December?  
Great resources to address this issue and more abound on the internet, but knowing which ones are the good ones takes time.  Our campus shares resources at every available opportunity.  It's wonderful for all 67+ staff members to be sharing so that all of our students and staff can benefit.  One of our favorite resources is Teachers Pay Teachers.    A quick look at the internet and this resource provides examples such as:
Something like this might be just what you need in developing those 2015 New Year Classroom/Teaching Resolutions!   You don't have to go it alone, there's so much great information and resources available, you just need to know where to find them.  If you have a resource that you find helpful, blog about it, tweet about it, create a newsletter about it, but whatever you do get the great resources out there for all of us to enjoy!
I hope that your 2015 year is the very best ever, good luck!


  1. Why reinvent the wheel? Teachers are the experts in the classroom and develop age-appropriate resources that are proven because they have implemented them in their classrooms. Great resources for teachers.

  2. Fourth grade utilized Smart Exchange for many topics. These documents are editable and can be tailored to your lessons. Another free resource is This is only about 5 minutes per day, and each child in fourth grade must master their addition facts before they move on to subtraction. Additionally, you must master the subtraction before you can move on to multiplication. Book Adventure is another resource that students can track their reading through online quizzes.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm glad 4th grade shared with you what we shared with them. It's a great resource for smartbook documents. We would also like to share with everyone about Texas Teacher Roundup. It's a blog that has ideas and suggestions for elementary lessons but its very specific by TEK. It is amazing. Pinterest is also great... just throwing that out there..EL BOOOOOMO!!!!
