Sunday, August 17, 2014

Are PLC's important?

I just received my latest TEPSA news and found an article about Professional Learning Communities (PLC).  The fact remains that PLCs are the most effective strategy for achieving long-term and sustained school improvement.  Like so many others, our district and campus are striving to implement the PLC successfully.  I feel that this year, we will be closer than ever.  I eagerly look forward to learning this year.
So, as a leader of a large school, I have questions and answers to contemplate when considering the importance of the PLC:  Why are PLCs relevant?  Primarily because we want to prepare our students for the 21st century.    In addition, along with all students can learn and NCLB, the PLC promotes high expectations for all students of all learning abilities and styles.  Every child deserves a quality education and the PLC promotes a commitment to such.  What we do as teachers matters, we are professionals and are committed to figuring out what will work for each of our students.  Our students will compete in a global economy and the PLC supports schools that enhances our nations economic competitiveness.  Last, because as good as we are, we need to be even better.  All schools and professionals need to be committed to doing what we know is effective.  The PLC helps schools recognize the past represents history, not prophecy and rely on critical questions to guide their improvement.  In conclusion, the PLC will continue to be a method that our campus will embrace to lead our students and ourselves to success!
I wish you the best school year ever and success in growing professionally with your PLC!


  1. I just wanted to let you know that I started following your blog. Just thought I'd share my classroom blog address with you as well: We were encouraged by Ms. Kelsoe in tech-academy this summer to blog weekly as well. Happy blogging!

    1. Hi K.,! I'm so thrilled that you found me! Wonderful to see that you have a blog as well! Happy blogging to you as well!
