At the beginning of the school year there comes a myriad of considerations including questions and possibilities in designing the classroom. I found an article that I found particularly interesting with research that shows that learning can be improved significantly by adding brain-compatible elements to the design of the classroom.
When the body is taken care of the brain can turn its attention to other things. More comfortable classrooms provide more opportunity. The brain thrives on meaning. Information that is not meaningful will be lost which translates to having high interest reading materials on hands for students. For students who read at lower levels, have stories recorded at a slower pace for them to listen to. The most powerful memory is the emotional memory so having a classroom that is warm and inviting helps the brain relay pleasure emotions with learning emotions. Just the right amount of challenge encourages learning. Struggling readers need materials that are high interest, yet challenging, and provided an area where reading will be modeled. Choice changes the chemistry of the brain, and the higher students move through he grades even more so. Choice in design of where materials are accessible is key. When multiple senses are engaged such as hands-on powerful learning can occur. The brain is social and students collaborating facilitates learning. Areas in a room where this setup is encouraged will benefit students. Positive emotions motive and create excitement. High-interest reading materials, games, and modeling make students feel special.
So, I encourage all teachers to setup your classrooms with brain research in mind. And good luck to all of you!
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